Importance of Web3 Marketing and Women in Web3: An Interview With Victoria Vaughan

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Product Minting

Web3 builders are only starting to realize the importance of sustainable and meaningful web3 marketing. There are web3 marketing companies and tools that are now helping web3 projects achieve traction.

Another aspect of web3 that’s growing rapidly is the involvement of more women in this space. To discuss all of this, I had the opportunity to interview Victoria Vaughan, the co-founder of a marketing and PR firm InCryptoLand and the former CEO of Cointelegraph.

Let’s dive in.

Q. Hello Victoria, it’s great to be talking with you. Can you please introduce yourself, and share your professional journey with our readers?

Hello, and thank you for having me! I'm Victoria Vaughan, and I am a co-founder of InCryptoland, a premier PR and marketing agency for the Web3 and tech sectors.

My journey in Web3 started about nine years ago when I dived into the digital asset and blockchain world. I joined the Cointelegraph team as a project manager. Later, I was promoted to CEO and successfully grew the company to over nine million monthly readers across 10 languages.

Impressive, right? But it's a team effort, trust me!

Along the way, I've collaborated with some of the industry's most influential brands like Coinmarketcap, Etoro, Moonpay, and OKX. These collaborations expanded my expertise in growth hacking, marketing, and business development.

Before all this blockchain excitement, I was deeply rooted in the tech scene, working for a tech startup as a product manager. So, you can say I've seen the industry from various angles, which has been super helpful in my current role as a tech PR agency co-founder.

Q. Before we talk about InCryptoland, tell us how Web3 marketing agencies can solve the problems that Web3 companies face. Are PR firms an essential component of the Web3 ecosystem? If so, why?

Yes, I think PR firms are absolutely essential in Web3. In a highly competitive blockchain ecosystem, you need a specialized marketing strategy.

A tech-savvy PR agency can connect you with the right partners and investors while providing you with crucial media coverage. This makes the path to deal-closing and client acquisition much smoother.

But it’s more than just PR. Crypto marketing agencies bring in a whole arsenal of growth hacking techniques. We're talking Twitter spaces, Discord AMAs, and some strategic Twitter shilling to grow your followers with minimum spend.

Plus, a robust content marketing campaign can kill two birds with one stone: it boosts your SEO ranking and educates potential clients, essentially greasing the wheels for your business development.

And let's not overlook the value of expertise. An experienced crypto marketing team brings a wealth of knowledge to your project, helps you sidestep common pitfalls, and executes effective campaigns.

They've got connections too; a trusted network of influencers and partners that can take your project visibility to another level. Working directly with influencers can be a hit or miss, but agencies can pick the right ones to amplify your message. So, all in all, it's a win-win.

Q. The volatile crypto market makes it difficult to run any Web3 company. How should someone build a team, develop a strategy, and make a Web3 marketing company successful?

I totally get what you're saying about the rollercoaster ride that is the crypto market.

So, first and foremost, you've got to be nimble with your financial planning. The ups and downs are wild; some companies go on a hiring spree in a bull market and then, bam, they're toast in a bear market.

The key is to stay agile and adjust your strategy in real-time based on market conditions.

On the subject of teams — I think a strong team is non-negotiable. You want a mix of people who are deep into Web3 but also some who come from more traditional sectors. That blend can help you craft a balanced strategy that's got both innovation and tested wisdom.

Partnerships are the cherry on top; they bring cross-marketing opportunities and long-term support, which are gold in this fast-paced landscape.

Now, the bear market isn't just about surviving; it's a land of opportunity. Companies that stay transparent and keep the conversation going with their community during the rough patches end up building trust and credibility.

Not to mention, PR and marketing opportunities actually multiply. News outlets are more receptive, influencers are keen to partner, and the advertising costs are generally lower. So, it's all about turning challenges into stepping stones, really.

Q. Tell us about InCryptoland and how it helps Web3 businesses. What are the fundamental working principles of your marketing agency?

InCryptoland focuses on organic PR campaigns, social media management, and community growth. Our agency also developed a wide network of selected channels for media buy campaigns.

What really excites us is collaborating with founders with a burning passion for meaningful causes and advanced technology products. For their PR campaigns, the strategy leans heavily into authentic storytelling that resonates with the audience and highlights the expertise of the team.

ICL's guiding principles are Drive, Excellence, and Commitment. These principles really shape the way we approach each project.

From crafting the ideal PR pitch to building up a strong community around a client's vision, our aim is to give it our all. We're continually seeking the best opportunities for reaching audiences and driving engagement in this fast-paced Web3 landscape.

And speaking of capturing attention, our clients have been featured in the most recognized high-profile publications, like the New York Times, WSJ, Associated Press, USA Today, Cointelegraph, and Coindesk. So, we know a thing or two about getting a story out there in a way that strikes.

Our experience spans different verticals of Web3 from DeFi to NFTs, infrastructural protocols to AI, and general tech. This helps us to know what works and what doesn’t. We use these insights to help clients avoid common mistakes in their communications and focus on effective strategies instead.

Q. You’ve been working in the Web3 space for almost a decade. What has been your experience as a woman in Web3? Do you have any suggestions and advice for budding women entrepreneurs in the Web3 domain?

There is no doubt that navigating the Web3 space as a woman has its own unique challenges.

While the industry is generally welcoming, the large networking events can sometimes feel like "boy's clubs." You often have to break the ice yourself, put your expertise on display, and then—finally—you get taken seriously.

I've had my fair share of awkward moments where people thought I was there to just hand out flyers. But the silver lining? As you broaden your network, each event becomes easier. The faces get familiar, introductions happen more naturally, and the atmosphere becomes genuinely inviting.

The evolving role of women in Web3 is so exciting to watch. There's more to this space than just crypto and blockchain; we're seeing women lead the charge in areas like digital art, fashion, and health.

For instance, the rise of NFTs has been a game-changer, especially for female artists. They're not just participating; they're shaping the narrative, moving the industry beyond just financial applications.

Advice for budding women entrepreneurs?

First, find your tribe—initiatives like WOW, Mybff, and Boy's Club are doing awesome work in enhancing women's awareness of the industry.

Second, don't be discouraged by the technical jargon and male-centric vibes; there's room for everyone's talent here. Organizations like UnicornDAO and AthenaDAO are setting brilliant examples by focusing on inclusivity and women's health.

Lastly, for the industry itself, the roadmap to diversity is clear: more shared stories, women-centric educational platforms, and an unequivocal commitment to diversify from the top down. Let's keep that conversation going.

Q. Do you have any last comments on the current state of the Web3 industry? Where do you see it in the next three to five years? What will be the role of Web3 marketing firms in the coming years in shaping the overall industry?

Honestly, the bear market often acts like a litmus test. It separates those who are genuinely committed to building something meaningful from the ones who are just riding the hype train.

Remember, some of the most groundbreaking companies were born during downturns.

Looking forward, regulation is inevitably coming down the pipeline. And while some might see that as a damper, I think it'll actually make the industry less of a wild west, which could attract more serious investment and innovation.

We're already seeing AI making inroads into Web3, and that's a trend I only expect to accelerate. I also believe the infrastructural projects will grow a lot during the next several years. They're the bedrock that'll support the flashy apps and services everyone loves.

So, where do Web3 marketing firms fit into all of this?

As the industry matures, the role of specialized marketing agencies will only become more crucial. They'll help navigate the regulatory landscape, tap into AI's potential, and spotlight those infrastructural gems.

Essentially, we'll be the architects of perception, shaping how the world views and engages with Web3.

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