HackerNoon COO Linh Dao Smooke to Meet Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh

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Product Minting

NEW YORK, NY / HACKERNOON / September 21, 2023

Linh Dao Smooke, Co-founder and COO of HackerNoon, the Colorado-based premier tech publishing platform, is invited to a private round-table discuss with Vietnam’s Minister for Planning and Investment, Nguyen Chi Dung, and to present to Vietnam’s Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, on Friday September 22nd in New York, NY. Alongside prominent Vietnamese the top tech and business leaders based in the United States, Mrs. Linh Dao Smooke is to provide strategic insights to help shape Vietnam’s near-term policies in the new digital economy, in response to the US-Vietnam comprehensive strategic partnership following President Joe Biden’s recent visit to Vietnam. Other presenters at this private event are Clearview AI CEO Ton That Hoan, IBM Research Scientist Nam Nguyen, Republic CEO Kendrick Nguyen, and bestselling author / Arsenal Capital Partner John Mattison.

US-Vietnam Relation is of strategic importance

Hosted by VietChallenge, an accelerator for Vietnamese startups, the meetings coincide with Prime Minister Chinh's visit to the United States to attend the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Summit in NYC. The trip holds profound significance for the Vietnamese government, particularly following President Joe Biden's recent visit to Vietnam, where the historic US-Vietnam comprehensive strategic partnership was established.

White House Fact Sheet

White House Fact Sheet

Among the key focal points of this partnership is technology transfer, with a notable emphasis on the software, AI, and computing sectors. Consequently, Prime Minister Chinh is keen on harnessing the wisdom of tech leaders of Vietnamese descent in the US to chart a course for Vietnam's future in these tech-driven industries.

Linh's Insights: Charting the Path to Technological Advancement and Education Reform

As the leader of HackerNoon and a leader in the Vietnamese education space prior to HackerNoon, Mrs. Smooke will specifically advise Prime Minister Chinh and Minister Dung on strategies to develop Vietnam's workforce in software development and the country’s digital readiness for the new digital economy. A transcript of Mrs. Smooke’s remarks will be available post-event. Here is the rough outline of her planned remarks to the Prime Minister and his delegation:

1. Investing in Human Capital and Education

2. The Democratization of Education

3. AI and its Impact on Labor & Workforce

4. Investment in Chip-Making Capabilities

Fellow Guests Speakers

Linh will be joined by Cuong Do (BioVie CEO), Tuyen Do (Iron Eagle CEO), Phong Tran (WuXi AppTec Sr. Director), Dr. John Mattison (Arsenal Capital Partners Chief Medical Information Officer), Anh Do (Indus Capital Partner), Hoan Ton-That (Clearview AI CEO), Nam Nguyen (IBM Research Scientist), Mai Zymaris (VietChallenge, Baker Makenzie), Jensen Vu (VietChallenge, CEO), Natalie B. (VietChallenge, FTI Consulting Senior Econ Consultant), Jenn Dao (VietChallenge, COO), and Phuong Jean Pham (Cellens, CEO).

“I’m honored to join this event. Specifically, I’m curious about Prime Minster Chinh and Minister Dung’s plan to significantly train up the Vietnamese workforce in the semiconductor business. It all starts with education, in my opinion”, says Mrs. Linh Dao Smooke in preparation for the event.

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