
Product Detail


Conversational AI tool that enables users to engage in chat conversations while ensuring privacy.

Added on 27-09-2023

BlindChat is a secure conversational AI tool that prioritizes user privacy. It provides users with a private environment for chat conversations, powered by the Xenova/LaMini-Flan-T5-783M AI model. This tool is accessible through a web application.

Key Features and Capabilities:

  • AI Model: Utilizes the Xenova/LaMini-Flan-T5-783M AI model to provide answers to various queries.
  • Privacy: Ensures end-to-end protection of user data and conversations.
  • Content Accuracy: While providing answers to questions on a wide range of topics, the generated content may not always be accurate or true.
  • Local Inference: The AI model is downloaded directly onto the user's device, ensuring that no data leaves the device during the inference process.
  • Device Recommendations: Works best on devices with adequate resources to support the local inference requirements.

User Benefits:

  • Privacy Assurance: Prioritizes user privacy by keeping conversations end-to-end protected.
  • Wide Query Range: Offers answers to various queries, allowing users to engage in diverse conversations.
  • Local AI: AI model is stored and runs on the user's device, enhancing privacy and data control.

Upcoming Integration:

BlindChat mentions an upcoming integration with Private Llama 2, suggesting additional options and functionalities for users in the future.


BlindChat is a conversational AI tool that offers private chat conversations with an emphasis on user privacy. It uses the Xenova/LaMini-Flan-T5-783M AI model to provide answers to queries on various topics. Conversations are end-to-end protected, and the AI model runs locally on the user's device for enhanced privacy. An integration with Private Llama 2 is also on the horizon, promising additional features and capabilities.

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